Friday, November 13, 2009

Tom Daschle has a question for you

1. Um, I know a really simple answer to his question. Do you?
2. Once someone has the flu, they are contagious to others, whether a doctor sees them or not.
3. We should all be so lucky that illegal immigrants show up at the ER with the flu. That would be inexpensive. The reality is that they show up in the ER with stab wounds from a fight- or motor vehicle crash injuries from drunk driving (and killing a 4 year-old girl despite already having 3 DUI convictions on his driving record) and/or not wearing seat belts. Last month in Omaha, they just fled the scene after killing another driver in a hit-and-run crash, (they literally got out of their car and ran) and when the cops finally tracked down their address from their abandoned car's license plate, they had already made it to Kansas City, where they had taken a Greyhound bus back to Mexico.
But Daschle insists we should treat them for the flu. As if that would make any difference. It would be far cheaper to put Greyhound bus stops at every emergency room all the way to Mexico.

Why Chinese Economic Numbers Are So Good.

I don't even know what to say about this. It should have some pretty serious effects on international investors' decisions, assuming this video gets the amount of exposure that it almost certainly will...