Monday, March 30, 2009

Well, here's what Alan Keyes thinks.

there's not much left to say on top of that.

your inspiration for today

saw this on a t-shirt a while back.

The best 3 plants to increase oxygen levels indoors

This is interesting, but it takes several large plants. Good to know in case you're looking for an indoor plant.

Watch HIV spreading from cell to cell

For the first time, scientists have filmed an HIV-infected cell transmitting the virus into another cell. It occurs via a previously unknown method called a virological synapse.
***the video pauses on its own- there is nothing wrong with your computer/connection***

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste."

White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel says that the crisis is an, "opportunity to do things that you could not do before."

1. If this crisis is an opportunity for them do things that were previously not possible, what incentive exists for them to solve it?
2. If the solution to an economic crisis was to simply print more money and then hand it out to large financial institutions headed by politically like-minded executives, wouldn't previous administrations have done that already? ...or is printing more money the opportunity he's talking about?

Roubini on CNBC: March 2009

Now here's Roubini on CNBC. Notice the subtle differences in what he's saying between October and March. In this video, he puts the risk of "an L-shaped recession" at 30%. An 'L-shaped recession' is a pseudonym that professors & academics use in public instead of using the word, "depression." This is to avoid being labeled as an alarmist by their peers.

Nouriel Roubini on Charlie Rose: October 2008

Dr. Nouriel Roubini is widely cited as the only economist to accurately predict the current recession and its causes. Economists are less than useless at making predictions- they can't even agree on the causes of what has happened in the past. If you're going to listen to any economist, Dr. Roubini is the best place to start. His group's website is

Friday, March 27, 2009

YouTube - McCain: '50 Million People Voted For Me & For Sarah Palin--Mostly For Sarah Palin'

from CLH (from her phone to mine & from my phone to the blog).


Dealing With Manipulative People

How to Avoid Overreacting and Acting like a Juvenile

How to Avoid Overreacting and Acting like a Juvenile

economic development of the world 2

watch the other video first, and you'll be better prepared for this one

economic development of the world

this is similar to a class i took last semester, but the presentation here is what's worth seeing. lots of numbers- have some coffee while you watch this one.

The Simple Dollar

This site looks promising. lots of good ideas here.

The Simple Dollar

ramit sethi

here's another personal financal advisor. just what the world needs. but he's alright.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Google Tip Jar

lots of ideas here. one of my favorites:

"Avoid ATM fees from other banks by utilizing the 'cash back' feature at many supermarket / department store checkouts. You can usually get cash back with something as simple as a pack of gum purchase and save the bank fees."

but there is usually a (smaller)PIN point-of-sale fee for at-the-counter debit transactions

Take a Tip. Share a Tip. - Google Moderator

it begins.

States rebel against Washington |

keep track of where your money goes with Mint

Free Personal Finance Software, Online Money Management, Budget Planner and Financial Planning |

now i can look back and see where the giant sucking sound was coming from. school & rent, mostly.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

rethink the way you view MPG ratings

Forget MPG - let's move to GPM

Evan Williams on listening to Twitter users | Video on

i had some trouble seeing how Twitter would be useful for anything. here's a talk to explain a couple of uses.

The 100 oldest registered dot com, org, net, edu domains

TG Daily - UPDATED: The 100 oldest registered dot com, org, net, edu domains

last week


This is what the bacteria looks like in the lab when you get Salmonella.

my favorite site for daily news


A Thoughtful Columnist/Talk Show Host

Sound Deadener for your car

If your car is noisy, this material is effective & less expensive than most:

lots of interesting ideas at this site!

good editorial page

retrieve your lost laptop

have the police find your laptop if it becomes lost/stolen, if you install this first:

My Favorite Browser

Auto Parts

This site is really amazing for getting a part you might need. Take a look:

Tool for Internet Favorites

use this tool to keep track of your bookmarks/favorites on many different computers:

Best Weather Radar

My Favorite Columnist

Hubble Space Telescope presentation

site to rent things and rent things to others